Bill Cara explores the dollar's overnight strength and concludes with this:
I say that if the Bank of China does not revalue the Renminbi yuan this weekend, which is a longshot at best, there will be serious hedge fund failures next week. That's because traders like me are massively short the dollar and will have to close those positions.
Financial Armageddon just could be at hand, and we all were looking at the GM equity-bond trade issues as the biggest problem for some hedge funds when we should have been looking at the Dollar.
Traders cover losing bets all the time but hedge fund failures are a bit more infrequent. It is certainly in the air this week but with JPY below 136 to the EUR I am not sure people are that stressed. Below is a EUR/JPY chart with 4 hour bars.

Posted by Hello
That seems like where the renminbi revaluation expectations have been most pronounced and probably where their is the most risk of a snapback. Greenspan's speech swung some weight behind the idea that China was facing internal pressures to revalue and that is a very persuasive argument for macro funds. The U.S. trade deficit doesn't seem like much of a catalyst in the trade. More of a distraction.
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